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Progress Not Perfection

Hello friends!! Yesterday I was chatting with a few people about life and the journey of it all. The common thread I felt from each of them was the overwhelming feeling of often not knowing what to do. This was in all areas of life, parenting, relationships, in-laws, exes, work, finances, health.... you get the point. Life can feel overwhelming at times. My heart was extended and completely stretched out as I listened to the pains of people I hold dear.

As I have journeyed through this trying life I think I have learned to find some kind of balance. A lot of that balance has come from not giving a F**K about a lot of the little things (I highly recommend reading "The subtle art of not giving a F**k"). When my kids were small and coming undone we had a little drill we would do. There was a promise to say no words, do some inhale, and exhale breathing while I counted 1 one thousand, 2 one thousand, all of the way to 5. At that point I would squeeze their little faces in my palm and ask how they felt, then I would ask if that would be something that mattered tomorrow.

As they got older this didn't need to be coached as directly and the sentence changed to.... will this matter in 5 years? As we age and our problems are larger than our older brother pushing us down, we have to evaluate what it all looks like. I do not remember where I heard it but at some point many, many years ago I heard "If it isn't going to matter in 5 years, then don't give it more than 5 minutes of today". So that is what my young teens were told. I have applied this for so long and I can attest to the fact that I have lived by that motto. When it comes to my kids and valuable relationships, it seems I spend the most time deciding if it will matter in 5 years. It has kept me pretty well-grounded for the most part. I can let a lot of that unimportant shit go and put my energy where it can thrive and show up better for others around me.

It would be nice if we were just given a "how to live" book that took us through chapter by chapter and had all of the answers for us. The tougher things like family require so much energy that they end up leaving us feeling drained. This is when we struggle to show up in the other areas that are necessary for us to thrive and develop into our truest and most beautiful identities. If each of us could just learn to breathe and attempt to NOT OVERTHINK (easier said than done), it seems that all of the other areas of our life could become simplified. Much of the pain we feel, especially for us women, is caused by our overactive brains. Trust me, you want to shut that shit down as soon as possible. Thank yourself for having those thoughts and showing you what you don't want, then redirect your brain to the things that you do want. Yes, I believe this, I believe that we attract so much chaos simply from an overactive brain.

With ALL of the other things that we chatted about yesterday, the solution is easy honestly. Join a parenting community on FB, get a financing app to be more in control of your budget, take some communication courses online to have better relationships at work, join a mastermind to grow your business, spend less time with the in-laws, and make them miss you haha. You see where I am going here, there are resources for most of the things that weigh us down and many of them are very affordable or even free.

I have learned that surrounding yourself with people that are all working toward the same goals is inspiring in itself. I have built a solid fitness community where I am privileged enough to watch people whom I care for cheer each other on and support each other to the finish line. I have witnessed firsthand the results that you receive from this unwavering support. The community is infectious and the conversation in the group is always fun and uplifting. On top of that, we add a perfectly written out road map to assist you in achieving your goals. One of the major changes I have made with how I coach health and fitness are adding to our minds more than ever. Focusing on meditation, manifesting, and positivity. Through this, we have witnessed an energy shift as a whole. It sure seems to make eating healthier choices and moving our bodies feel easier too.

Conquering all of that shit between our ears is where these things start. We are seeking progress, not perfection. One step at a time, one day with a better habit, then two, then add in a couple of additional healthier habits and we are off. When we have a group of people keeping us accountable along with the fun and exciting energy it feels easy. I can promise you now, that doing these small things, leads to big things. Your bank account grows, your relationships will strengthen, your communication will improve and the body image you see in the mirror will start to reflect the person that you know you are. Taking small steps at a time will land you at the finish line. Life is NOT a sprint, nor should it be treated like one. It is a journey that we are blessed enough to experience.

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